Trump won the 2024 election and there has been very little resistance from the enemy. That is not their style. He has made it very clear that this is the end of the deep state. No way they're going to go out without a fight. Something is coming. I'm sure of it.
Sure, Biden is trying to start world war 3, and maybe that is part of it, but I feel like we have not seen anything yet. I really feel like we are now in the calm before the storm.
Does anyone else feel this way?
If they're going to riot, they probably don't want to riot while they are in control. That would damage them.
They've stolen all the seats they can from the House and the Senate.
Now they are poking the Russian bear. I doubt the deep state wants to become the baddies that start with nukes. But I think if they could disrupt the transfer of power somehow they might try.