Trump won the 2024 election and there has been very little resistance from the enemy. That is not their style. He has made it very clear that this is the end of the deep state. No way they're going to go out without a fight. Something is coming. I'm sure of it.
Sure, Biden is trying to start world war 3, and maybe that is part of it, but I feel like we have not seen anything yet. I really feel like we are now in the calm before the storm.
Does anyone else feel this way?
Thanksgiving Day would be a perfect day for a white hat "event" here in the USA.
Almost everyone is at home or gathered together somewhere (I get the house to myself personally :-)). It'd be a great day to start rounding up scumbags for that reason alone. You likely know where they all happen to be.
Another benefit would be less vehicular traffic, fewer people in airports, etc. Overall, it'd be a hell of a lot easier to capture fleeing scum.
It'd also make for great TV instead of bullshit NFL concussionball game shows. Why not take advantage of the hypnosis box? It'd keep people off the streets.
There are more benefits, but I've datefagged too many times and overdosed on hopium :-).
Still, I can dream, can't I?
Had that same thought this morning