Cleaning up the whole place may simply be technically difficult, lots of code that has presumably been put there piece by piece over a long time and now you have to figure how it all connects and affects other pieces before taking something out so that it keeps on working. And they may keep on finding surprises. It was not, after all, designed or done by them, makes cleaning it all more difficult.
Cleaning up the whole place may simply be technically difficult, lots of code that has presumably been put there piece by piece over a long time and now you have to figure how it all connects and affects other pieces before taking something out so that it keeps on working. And they may keep on finding surprises. It was not, after all, designed or done by them, makes cleaning it all more difficult.
A bowl of spaghetti enters the chat
Especially if the offending code is not labeled obviously where you can just do a search for "ShadowBan==Yes".
deploy some ai to analyze the code