"Like a football coach hyping his team before a game, that is a psyop. The coach is using his players’ emotions to motivate and inspire them to perform a desired action, in this case, play good football. This would be considered a “white” psyop, as it’s not necessarily a bad thing or deceitful, but it is a psyop because it’s weaponizing emotion for a desired outcome.
A “black” psyop would be any use of deceit, manipulation, disinformation, etc., to create a desired outcome. An example of this would be the Russia hoax. This is a psyop, because the media, led by their CIA handlers, intentionally deceived the American People, with the desire to make them hate Trump. They weaponized the public’s emotions using lies.
I’ve seen it happen over the years where people have a strong negative connotation attached to psyops, when in reality, psyops can be a good thing, and the US MIL do have PSYOP units who use truth to help influence and inspire the public for desired outcomes and combat black psyops
In conclusion, not all psyops are bad, and just because something is a psyop, does not make it disinformation. There are good forces fighting back against the ongoing black psyops with psyops of their own.
Psyops take many forms, and the battlefield is everywhere."
I think the main purpose of it was to give hope to us. Hopeless people are very dangerous.
The good guys were in control, but had to do things quietly.
It's Plato's Cave. Anon's had already left the cave and were trying to wake the cave dwellers up. We already knew about Pizzagate, about Big Pharma/Ag/Food etc. poisoning us, immigration replacement, election rigging, etc.
There needed to be an inside job. There needed to be people the cave dwellers believed were insiders like them to lead them outside.
The Democrats and the Cabal are the puppeteers, and they're desperate to keep us in the cave believing the pictures they put on the wall. We're going to be leaving some people behind when the exodus occurs.
Very. Especially large groups of them with "ideas"