I think that's what will give him cover to say he was duped by Fauci, Birx, et al. But considering the Q plan, it's quite possible it was a set up to make Big Pharma and their captured agencies do what they do best, while evidence was amassed showing how the whole scheme worked and how the MSM played a key role in amping everything and how big tech censored dissenters. It seems like within a few short months Fauci has gone from hero to MIA. MSM has seen their ratings tank completely. Imagine what can be uncovered by MAGA once Trump is back and the kind of evidence that will finally see the light of day. HCQ and Ivermectin will be small pieces of a much larger puzzle but important pieces. The jaw dropping cash flows, the kickbacks to doctors and politicians, the academic and institutional corruption, it's all in play.
The DS is scared to death and why Trump and his family and allies need to be very careful between now and inauguration day. They need to stay safe and secure.
But the blood will be on Fauci's hands. He could have been honest and said HCQ and Ivermectin worked if taken when symptoms first appear. He publically said years before that HCQ was very effective for Sars Cov-1 so he should have said the same for the newest strain but he chose the money route and loved being in front of cameras day after day. He is a modern day Josef Mengele with a Napoleonic Complex. He should face the families of the victims that could have been saved. He got his 30 pieces of silver now he should get the rope at GITMO.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. It was weak minded of any man to wait for trump to know what to do during covid. I'm as average a guy as anyone and when trump put those people out there i ignored it all. I have a little medical background but it would have served to push me into it not away. The single thing that I saw and resisted was the fear porn of it all. I am not a guy that likes to be manipulated. Especially by fear as I've learned thebsource of fear is the devil and it's to be resisted with all our strength. Trump isn't my God and I don't look to men for answers in life. So all I can say is if that isnt a person habit then you are left scratching your heads and looking to the wrong source for your answers. I do not blame trump one bit for any of it and no man has the right to either. Man up and own it. When covid first came on the scene my response to all on here was "fear is the dis-ease". It's a spiritual warfare tool to bring your mind to dis-ease. Many were made un eased in their heads and that is what got them. Let's all just learn from it.
Wrap your head around this, they have been killing innocent people for many decades maybe even centuries. Without the exposure this killing spree brought on, and the wrenches Trump and company threw into the mix the sheeple were never ever going to wake up and believe the reality of their evil deeds.
You can't tell people you have to show them, and yes more ended up dying because the sheeple had to be shown, but the numbers dead from Covid are likely a drop in the bucket compared to the numbers they had already killed and would have continued to kill.
And HCQ just happens to have promising results against cancer. And what do the vaccines cause?
He was giving a cure.
I think that's what will give him cover to say he was duped by Fauci, Birx, et al. But considering the Q plan, it's quite possible it was a set up to make Big Pharma and their captured agencies do what they do best, while evidence was amassed showing how the whole scheme worked and how the MSM played a key role in amping everything and how big tech censored dissenters. It seems like within a few short months Fauci has gone from hero to MIA. MSM has seen their ratings tank completely. Imagine what can be uncovered by MAGA once Trump is back and the kind of evidence that will finally see the light of day. HCQ and Ivermectin will be small pieces of a much larger puzzle but important pieces. The jaw dropping cash flows, the kickbacks to doctors and politicians, the academic and institutional corruption, it's all in play.
The DS is scared to death and why Trump and his family and allies need to be very careful between now and inauguration day. They need to stay safe and secure.
But the blood will be on Fauci's hands. He could have been honest and said HCQ and Ivermectin worked if taken when symptoms first appear. He publically said years before that HCQ was very effective for Sars Cov-1 so he should have said the same for the newest strain but he chose the money route and loved being in front of cameras day after day. He is a modern day Josef Mengele with a Napoleonic Complex. He should face the families of the victims that could have been saved. He got his 30 pieces of silver now he should get the rope at GITMO.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. It was weak minded of any man to wait for trump to know what to do during covid. I'm as average a guy as anyone and when trump put those people out there i ignored it all. I have a little medical background but it would have served to push me into it not away. The single thing that I saw and resisted was the fear porn of it all. I am not a guy that likes to be manipulated. Especially by fear as I've learned thebsource of fear is the devil and it's to be resisted with all our strength. Trump isn't my God and I don't look to men for answers in life. So all I can say is if that isnt a person habit then you are left scratching your heads and looking to the wrong source for your answers. I do not blame trump one bit for any of it and no man has the right to either. Man up and own it. When covid first came on the scene my response to all on here was "fear is the dis-ease". It's a spiritual warfare tool to bring your mind to dis-ease. Many were made un eased in their heads and that is what got them. Let's all just learn from it.
Wrap your head around this, they have been killing innocent people for many decades maybe even centuries. Without the exposure this killing spree brought on, and the wrenches Trump and company threw into the mix the sheeple were never ever going to wake up and believe the reality of their evil deeds.
You can't tell people you have to show them, and yes more ended up dying because the sheeple had to be shown, but the numbers dead from Covid are likely a drop in the bucket compared to the numbers they had already killed and would have continued to kill.
I’m not sure what was worse - 9/11 or COVID.
Both were arranged by our governments.
Leaving Fauci in charge of the NIH was abysmal on his part. Don't forget he was trashing Sweden for not living locking down.