A leading demographer has warned that the white British population may become a minority by the middle of the century if current trends continue as Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer declared this week that the “open borders experiment” was a failure imposed on the country by “design”.
In an apparent confirmation of what many derided as a “conspiracy theory”, the notion of a “Great Replacement” agenda, Prime Minister Starmer said that previous Tory governments “deliberately” decided to liberalise immigration following Brexit to “turn Britain into a one-nation experiment in open borders.”
“This happened by design, not accident. Policies were reformed… Global Britain – remember that slogan… That is what they meant. A policy with no support… Well that’s unforgivable,” he said.
While the prime minister was correct in noting that the so-called Conservative governments of Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak allowed in unprecedented levels of immigration following Brexit — by refusing to put an annual cap on immigration resulting in nearly one million migrants arriving last year, alone — the open borders agenda imposed on the country pre-dates Tory rule.
Indeed, prior to the Labour government of former PM Tony Blair, the UK had net migration in the tens of thousands, however, under Blair this began to soar into the hundreds of thousands per year. In 2009, former Blair advisor Andrew Neather claimed that this was a deliberate policy to transform Britain into a multicultural society and to “rub the right’s nose in diversity.”
The mass migration policies of both Labour and Conservative governments have had a radical impact on the demographic make up of the UK, with the 2021 census finding that less than three quarters (74.4 per cent) of the population identify as a member of indigenous ethnic groups of the British Isles (English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish, or British). This is compared to 80 per cent in 2011 and 87.5 per cent in 2001.
Associate research fellow at Birkbeck, University of London and a senior member at St Antony’s College, Oxford, Dr Paul Morland warned this week that if the political class fails to reverse course, the native white British population could become a minority in their own country by 2050.
Dr Morland, who has been described as the UK’s leading demographer, said that since the Blair administration, the UK has seen “more immigration than we had in the whole period from the Norman Conquest to the Second World War.”
He said that if the government continues on the same course, people in the country 30 years ago were overwhelmingly the descendants of people here a thousand years ago, that’s not going to be the case in the middle of the century.” However, Dr Morland argued that “nothing is predetermined”, pointing to the example of former British colony Singapore, which strictly controls immigration.
“It’s a choice, what do we as a country want and does that manage to get expressed and implemented by our politicians. It seems quite clear to me that those two are not the same, the country wants one thing and the politicians are not prepared to follow,” he said.
Noting the “related” issue of declining birth rates, the top demographer said that cutting immigration must be accompanied with pro-natalist policies to encourage the native population have more children to mitigate the financial impacts of a declining population. Morland has previously pointed to policies implemented by the populist-conservative government of Viktor Orbán in Hungary, such as tax and other incentives for mothers, as a potential framework.
While Prime Minister Starmer committed this week to increasing economic opportunities for young people and reforming the immigration system, his government has refused to commit to an annual cap on immigration, which critics have argued is necessary to stem the massive influx of foreigners into the country.
Commentators on social media asserted that Starmer’s comments were an implicit admission of the much-derided “Great Replacement Theory”. Although often portrayed as a “racist” conspiracy theory, the concept, developed by French Renaud Camus, argues that the real aim of mass migration policies are motivated by economics, with leaders seeing their populations as little more than interchangeable cogs who can be changed out with little consequence to bolster GDP.
Speaking to Breitbart News in 2018, Camus said that globalist forces, such as those involved with the Davos-based World Economic Forum, support “the change of people and civilisation for the sake of the industry of man, the economic system which produces the Undifferentiated Human Matter, the human Nutella, spreadable at will.”
Self segregation happens in my view due to Convenience of location.
Not sure what you mean by that. It's a proven fact that all races prefer to marry within their race. Making kids that look like you is instinctual. Most coalburners are fat whales that weren't contributing to the genome anyways. America's white population percentage is falling almost entirely because of people not having enough kids and mass illegal migration. Racemixing is a drop in the bucket comparatively.
The reason why that happens is due to being in proximity next to those who look like you.
It a nation is completely Irish. Their preferences will be Irish due to only having the options of Irish.
If other groups start to mix in with the Irish.
The next question would be.
Are they forced into their own separate areas legally like Jim Crow?
If the answer is yes. Then people would be forced to stick with their own.
If the answer is no.
Then next question comes in play:
Does this other group of people speak the same language as the Irish?
If the answer is no.
Then people will stick with their own due to not understanding each other.
If the answer is yes.
The next question comes in play.
Are there any negative stereotypes about these outsiders by the Irish.
For example. If the Irish thought these outsiders were criminals and degenerates.
Then there would be social pressures from the Irish to stick with their own.
Which would stop a lot of race mixing.
If the answer is no.
Then race mixing would happen: For example. Tons of white Americans are mixed: Such as mixed with white Irish and White Polish.
Young children do not have a problem with playing with different cultures of kids.
It is the kids parents that use social pressures and teaching to get their kids to distance themselves from different groups of people.
A person isn’t born to dislike others.
A man is born to get an erection when he sees an attractive naked woman.
If a white man sees an attractive black or Indian woman walk without clothes on in front of him.
Are you telling me he would not get turned on by that???
If you believe that.
Than you believe attraction is a choice that we turn on like a light switch.
I disagree.
Attraction is a chemical reaction that a man will get turned on to seeing any naked woman that gives him a chemical reaction that he cannot control.
So I agree with you that people will stick with their own.
But it’s not because it’s natural.
It’s because their are a lot of social, cultural and geographical factors that causes people to want to stick with their own.
I hope this makes sense lol. Sorry for the rambling.
I know this- even the physically hottest brown women don't turn me on. They smell wrong. Pheromones or whatever. And brown skin is just not appealing. Nor for me is curly hair. As a dumb hormonal teen/early 20s would I have gotten hard seeing one nude? Sure. As an adult? Nah. If I lived near mostly brown women I would still seek out a white girl. I think it's mostly just instinct even with people who never actively consider it.
Here is another reason why it's not instinct. It's a combination of subscious social, economic, cultural and geographical factors.
Want to know why tons of black men aren't attracted to black women.
Take a look at this video friend.
That's your experience. And when you say, "They smell wrong," it’s clear you already have an emotional bias against brown or black women.
Also, you haven’t met every black or brown woman on the planet.
People who say no to mixed dating usually do so for "social, cultural, economic, or geographical" reasons.
You aren’t going out of your way to see if you find a black or brown woman attractive, and what you’re describing isn’t instinct—it’s your personal preference.
If God wanted us to be separate, we wouldn’t be able to bear children across ethnic lines.
A tiger cannot naturally procreate with a lion. A dog cannot naturally procreate with a frog. A cat cannot naturally procreate with a monkey.
I believe the reason God created people with different appearances is the same reason GM and Ford create cars in different colors and with different features—to give the human race options.
Could you imagine living in a world where every man and woman had the same face, color, hair, height, and weight?
From an artistic standpoint, think about how monotonous such a world would be.