The moment someone's student loans are cancelled by this atrocity, I hereby volunteer to be 'lead plaintiff' in the class action lawsuit to claw back all the student loans I already paid off. WITH INTEREST.
I paid mine off in two years by sacrificing my quality of life for those 2 years. Living at home. Not buying a car. Not eating out. Not saving for a house down payment. I concur with your statement.
It's not surprising to see how many of the good responsible conservatives who paid back their student loans are gnashing their teeth over the possibility that someone, somewhere, might be freed from debt-slavery.
But what about me? What about we poor rich kids who never had to borrow so much as a dime to pay for college? Isn't it even more unfair that we a) had to pay ridiculously inflated prices because all those nasty little poor people were allowed to spend someone else's money, and, b) we weren't given any financial aid grants and were forced to pay the full retail price for the mere crime of having lots of money?
All right, I'm exaggerating. We didn't actually pay for school. Our daddies did. See, that right there, that's grit, that's what that is. The Boomers are right. Just stop whining and do what I did. It wasn't hard at all.
But it's still unfair! How will WE benefit from a student loan debt jubilee? Why isn't anyone thinking about ME and MY compensation? I mean, how can I possibly benefit from the housing market not completely collapsing because 45 million of the most educated people in America can't qualify for a mortgage? What good is it to me if 45 million people suddenly have the ability to save money for the first time in their lives? I mean, it's not as if savings = investment, or that I is a core component of Gross Domestic Product, right?
NOPE! If you took out a loan YOU REPAY THE LOAN! You totally miss the point. If you took out a loan, YOU placed YOURSELF in debt-slavery! Grit? If you borrowed money as a LOAN REPLAY THE LOAN! It's really not complicated, YOU took the loan out, NOT THE AMERICAN TAX PAYER on YOUR behalf! Repay your loan and stop being a little sissy expecting handouts!
See my reply to Little "MathDoesntAddUp" They failed to read the terms, don't like it now and want the taxpayers to bail them out. Meanwhile, others that signed similar loans have repaid with their own hard work early. YEP! Sucks to SUCK indeed!
The stupid is so fucking strong with some of you, that I can't...
It's not the fucking LOAN that is killing people; it is the fucking predatory DAILY COMPOUNDING INTEREST RATES. Do you understand how daily compounding interest rates work?
No one is asking your broke ass for a handout; people are asking for the removal of the ability of these banks to collect interest rates on taxpayer-funded education loans. Is that clear for you, army dog? Or do I need to break it down to something a bit more your style and you mfers have the nerve to call us crayon eaters.
LOL! Triggered little lefty, signed a loan without reading the fine print now wants a bailout because he was STUPID! Yep, Banks suck, Yep, They are predatory! But they didn't change the rules after you signed your loan did they? You blew it. You signed a contract without understanding the terms and want the US tax dollars to bail you pathetic little ass out! Too funny! BTW, not even close to "broke"! Pay up deadbeat! Your stupidity kills me! Thanks for the laugh!
LOL! (love how these two clowns are downvoting everyone that paid off their loans!)
The moment someone's student loans are cancelled by this atrocity, I hereby volunteer to be 'lead plaintiff' in the class action lawsuit to claw back all the student loans I already paid off. WITH INTEREST.
I paid mine off in two years by sacrificing my quality of life for those 2 years. Living at home. Not buying a car. Not eating out. Not saving for a house down payment. I concur with your statement.
It's not surprising to see how many of the good responsible conservatives who paid back their student loans are gnashing their teeth over the possibility that someone, somewhere, might be freed from debt-slavery.
But what about me? What about we poor rich kids who never had to borrow so much as a dime to pay for college? Isn't it even more unfair that we a) had to pay ridiculously inflated prices because all those nasty little poor people were allowed to spend someone else's money, and, b) we weren't given any financial aid grants and were forced to pay the full retail price for the mere crime of having lots of money?
All right, I'm exaggerating. We didn't actually pay for school. Our daddies did. See, that right there, that's grit, that's what that is. The Boomers are right. Just stop whining and do what I did. It wasn't hard at all.
But it's still unfair! How will WE benefit from a student loan debt jubilee? Why isn't anyone thinking about ME and MY compensation? I mean, how can I possibly benefit from the housing market not completely collapsing because 45 million of the most educated people in America can't qualify for a mortgage? What good is it to me if 45 million people suddenly have the ability to save money for the first time in their lives? I mean, it's not as if savings = investment, or that I is a core component of Gross Domestic Product, right?
Why won't you shed a tear for me?
NOPE! If you took out a loan YOU REPAY THE LOAN! You totally miss the point. If you took out a loan, YOU placed YOURSELF in debt-slavery! Grit? If you borrowed money as a LOAN REPLAY THE LOAN! It's really not complicated, YOU took the loan out, NOT THE AMERICAN TAX PAYER on YOUR behalf! Repay your loan and stop being a little sissy expecting handouts!
Yeah, who cares how badly they were tricked?
Sucks to suck
See my reply to Little "MathDoesntAddUp" They failed to read the terms, don't like it now and want the taxpayers to bail them out. Meanwhile, others that signed similar loans have repaid with their own hard work early. YEP! Sucks to SUCK indeed!
The stupid is so fucking strong with some of you, that I can't...
It's not the fucking LOAN that is killing people; it is the fucking predatory DAILY COMPOUNDING INTEREST RATES. Do you understand how daily compounding interest rates work?
No one is asking your broke ass for a handout; people are asking for the removal of the ability of these banks to collect interest rates on taxpayer-funded education loans. Is that clear for you, army dog? Or do I need to break it down to something a bit more your style and you mfers have the nerve to call us crayon eaters.
LOL! Triggered little lefty, signed a loan without reading the fine print now wants a bailout because he was STUPID! Yep, Banks suck, Yep, They are predatory! But they didn't change the rules after you signed your loan did they? You blew it. You signed a contract without understanding the terms and want the US tax dollars to bail you pathetic little ass out! Too funny! BTW, not even close to "broke"! Pay up deadbeat! Your stupidity kills me! Thanks for the laugh! LOL! (love how these two clowns are downvoting everyone that paid off their loans!)