Sheriff's are rhe only elected law enforcement and literally are there to PROTECT their constituents from criminals including the ones in government local and federal. This os a federal issue and they should support it. About freaking time sheriff's stand up. If yours doesn't get rid of them.
Anyone and everyone who harbors criminals (illegals) is working against the Constitution and therefore committing an illegal act. As a criminal they too must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and be banned from ever serving in government again.
Gotta love a Constitutionally-based Sheriff.
Oh yes.
yeah,but he didn't say what we came to hear.
Sheriff's are rhe only elected law enforcement and literally are there to PROTECT their constituents from criminals including the ones in government local and federal. This os a federal issue and they should support it. About freaking time sheriff's stand up. If yours doesn't get rid of them.
Sure hope others join him.
Anyone and everyone who harbors criminals (illegals) is working against the Constitution and therefore committing an illegal act. As a criminal they too must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and be banned from ever serving in government again.
This is the way!