35 Don’t Look Up (www.dailymail.co.uk) posted 97 days ago by Irishman4Trump6 97 days ago by Irishman4Trump6 +35 / -0 Asteroid set to hit Earth's atmosphere in a matter of hours An asteroid is on a collision course with Earth, making impact within a matter of hours today. NASA's telescope spotted the space rock early Tuesday morning. 19 comments share 19 comments share save hide report block hide replies
TLDR: Barely 2 foot wide. Projected to impact a lightly populated area in Siberia. And is supposed to mostly burn up.
Pretty sure bigger rocks land all the time,with no news.
It’s the aliens!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Weren't we supposed to have an alien battle in the skies today, according to Cliff High?
Going to be dark in my neck of the woods in a few hours. I sure hope them aliens have onboard lighting so we can see the spat after dark.
OTOH, it's also possible that old Cliff is full of hot air...
Yeah,I thought so. The John Titor dude is saying it’s dec 4-5. Maybe they had to reschedule. 🙄
That anon has been bigly wrong many times now concerning "predictions".
👽 http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Uazj_Mywg0g/Ulxmh-LFrRI/AAAAAAAAHIw/GdIsVnhJG84/s320/it-was-aliens.gif