Remember the days when you'd do a search...Altavista, Dogpile, Google, Yahoo... and get THOUSANDS of relevant results?
These days, the results SUCK - which leans hard into the idea that the net, for researching any number if things is closed off and dead.
I'm not even talking about "conspiracy" crap - I mean like work related research or tech based searches. I remember I could literally spend DAYS going through a singular search inquiry on a given subject and have a deep, thorough understanding of the material.
Now? Everything is some schmucky watered down bullshit, with more red herrings than actual information - AND the "Chandler Effect" (Say you searched for Rachel Chandler, you'd get nothing but friends and Rachel from friends ir Chandler from friends) - and really, really obscure red herrings too... Now you get some android looking NPC mutant asshole with a fishing rod and 4 results. GTFOOH
This Internet today is total bullshit...they locked it down like China net.
Remember the days when you'd do a search...Altavista, Dogpile, Google, Yahoo... and get THOUSANDS of relevant results?
These days, the results SUCK - which leans hard into the idea that the net, for researching any number if things is closed off and dead.
I'm not even talking about "conspiracy" crap - I mean like work related research or tech based searches. I remember I could literally spend DAYS going through a singular search inquiry on a given subject and have a deep, thorough understanding of the material.
Now? Everything is some schmucky watered down bullshit, with more red herrings than actual information - AND the "Chandler Effect" (Say you searched for Rachel Chandler, you'd get nothing but friends and Rachel from friends ir Chandler from friends) - and really, really obscure red herrings too... Now you get some android looking NPC mutant asshole with a fishing rod and 4 results. GTFOOH
This Internet today is total bullshit...they locked it down like China net.