We're being replaced by great unwashed hordes invading our land from the south and middle east. We're supposed to reproduce with gusto. But "Don't have kids" if you have a good job at a company that expects you to show up for work at, say, 8:00 or 8:30 AM? Or don't get a job if you have kids? Or just GET BY on one income like it's 1966, so the wife can stay home?
"Sorry chief, I know we have the big merger planned to take our company to the next level, and I was supposed to give my final presentation to the board today to close the deal...but little Karen has to go to school! So obviously, I won't be there. School bus, schmool bus! You guys just handle it. My little girl comes first...What's that? I'm fired?? Rats! NOW how am I supposed to take care of my family?!?"
You should count the cost of having a family. When a couple have children, it is best for the children for them to be raised by their Mother and not by a day care center. Schools can change their times for kids to go to school. I am sure if they did most couples working would make arrangements. SOrry the world doesn't revolve around just you Chief!
A person supporting a family by diligently working at a job or career that requires regular daily attendance during normal business hours is not behaving as though "the world revolves around" him or her.
In fact, it's the person who expects it will be OK that they can't make it to work at 8 AM because they think they have to act as the school bus driver for their child—that is the person behaving as though the world revolves around him or her.
Critical thinking isn't for everyone. See you in a new thread ;p
Bunch of silliness.
We're being replaced by great unwashed hordes invading our land from the south and middle east. We're supposed to reproduce with gusto. But "Don't have kids" if you have a good job at a company that expects you to show up for work at, say, 8:00 or 8:30 AM? Or don't get a job if you have kids? Or just GET BY on one income like it's 1966, so the wife can stay home?
"Sorry chief, I know we have the big merger planned to take our company to the next level, and I was supposed to give my final presentation to the board today to close the deal...but little Karen has to go to school! So obviously, I won't be there. School bus, schmool bus! You guys just handle it. My little girl comes first...What's that? I'm fired?? Rats! NOW how am I supposed to take care of my family?!?"
You should count the cost of having a family. When a couple have children, it is best for the children for them to be raised by their Mother and not by a day care center. Schools can change their times for kids to go to school. I am sure if they did most couples working would make arrangements. SOrry the world doesn't revolve around just you Chief!
A person supporting a family by diligently working at a job or career that requires regular daily attendance during normal business hours is not behaving as though "the world revolves around" him or her.
In fact, it's the person who expects it will be OK that they can't make it to work at 8 AM because they think they have to act as the school bus driver for their child—that is the person behaving as though the world revolves around him or her.
Critical thinking isn't for everyone. See you in a new thread ;p
When they do away with DST, let me know how that works out for you!