I'm interested in knowing what people are willing to see removed from the sphere of the government, now that Trump is back and DOGE is in play. After all, if we have a hope in hell of having a better nation, the first thing to do is cut off the tentacles of leviathan.
My hotlist:
- IRS and the FED: any tax agency that says you owe it money even if you leave or give up your citizenship has lost a grip on reality, and anything funded by stealing isn't worth having. Let's get rid of the roots and stump - IRS to be replaced with tarrifs, Fed with treasury notes backed by a precious metal based currency. This will mean a lot of government needs to go with it though, so time to grab a chainsaw and cut, cut, cut
- Dept. Of education - has done nothing but make America dumb again, eliminate it. No replacement. If states want to run public schools they can go it alone and fund it themselves as they see fit. Personally prefer a private schooling free market or using home schooling instead.
- EPA - abolish, it's a joke how it actually works, and the private sector could do an infinitely better job regulating company activity
- CIA - eliminate it. It has caused more long term harm than good.
- ATF - eliminate it. All three of its letters are legal in the USA ffs, so why the hell do we need it as a body at all?
- FBI - cut and reform. I'd like to see it gone personally, but.... I think it would be too much too soon to erase it now.
- DHS - cut and reform it. It's a bit of a monster now, and needs revising.
- NSA - oooh this is gonna be controversial. Personally I say after the heads have rolled, the Nsa current path needs to be shut down and burned. Privacy is a right in the constitution, and having a government body trawling the Internet for all our data like a huge info fishing ship is simply wrong. Their activities woke me up years before Q, so it's only right that we finish what started this mess.
- FDA - abolish. If RFK is right, this bastard did more harm than good. It effectively works to say what is the minimum level of poison companies can use on us, and that should always be 0. So, yeah, abolish it.
- NiH/CDC - torn here, leaning to abolish rather than reforming these. Too fucking dangerous, and don't trust either now, but maybe they could be replaced with something more sensible.
- FCC - they can FOAD. Abolish it.
- FTC and similar financial crime agencies - abolish and replace it with the reformed FBI. This bastard does more to help the hedges and elites than anything. Let illegal trading practices be a federal crime with real penalties.
- TSA - abolish. Seriously why do I need to have a full body cavity search or remove my shoes to fly domestically? More terrorists are caught by the passengers now before they can take over than the TSA ever did.
- DOE - reform it. Get a focus on new energy sources rather than renewable sources that cause more harm than good.
- DoD - I'm sick of America being the world police. Bring the boys home, cut and reform the whole DoD to focus on actual defense of the realm rather than defense of ephemeral interests that may be more for the cabal than the nation
- All dei based agencies - abolish and ban, their value is non existent
- DoT - why is this a thing? What does it actually do to help? Cut and reform to get space travel sorted.
- NASA - redundant now, cut or can.
- DoJ - reform and cut to the bone. With a reduced and simplified legal code, this body can be stripped of a lot of fat.
Now I'm sure I've missed agencies / government functions here, and a lot of them, but by default if I can't think of em, then their function is something I probably would rather trust to the free market than their oversight so I'll cut them by default. However I would love to see what people think is worth saving or sacrificing for the good of our descendants and for the preservation of our freedoms.
No more department of Homeland security and no more Patriot act!
The rest can go too!