The past century’s TRUE HISTORY has been withheld from us in the West.PN
Video attachedfor current notable
Brandon Taylor Moore
This made the hair stand up on the back of my neck
The past century’s TRUE HISTORY has been withheld from us in the West.
It’s absolute proof we are controlled by these people today. There is no other way to explain how this history is hidden.
12:26 PM · Dec 3, 2024 Video attached for current notable
Brandon Taylor Moore
This made the hair stand up on the back of my neck
The past century’s TRUE HISTORY has been withheld from us in the West.
It’s absolute proof we are controlled by these people today. There is no other way to explain how this history is hidden.
12:26 PM · Dec 3, 2024
No video attached fren. It's a Book by David Irving, sorry no video.
What is the name of the book? I looked the author up on Amazon and I don't see a cover like the one pictured. Found these titles.
PQ17? Well that’s interesting.
Thanks fren.
Read a few David Irving books.
David Irving: (Critics summery) Historical biographer who had some success with writing WWII biographies of Hitler, Himmler, Goering, Hess, Churchill, and Goebbels. He has also translated the memoirs of German General Reinhard Gehlen. Additionally, he wrote a history of the bombing of the city of Dresden and the anti-communist uprising in Hungary in the 1950's. His self-taught and biased 'scholarship' is as questionable as his openly right-wing politics, since most of his works are concerned with rehabilitating the Third Reich and denying the Holocaust. Because of these propagandist and revisionist positions, he used to be the most popular historian in international Neo Nazi circles, but his influence is marginal today, because he has been exposed as a fraud by serious historical scholarship.
Most of his research is irrefutable because it comes directly from government archives.