Over 300 pages of evidence from the CDC show that vaccines cause autism
I recently received a treasure trove of electronic documents from deep inside the CDC. These documents have never been made publicly available.
The documents include voice-recordings, emails, hand-written notes, diagrams, and data.
The often repeated claim that “vaccines don’t cause autism” is quite simply inconsistent with this evidence which can be authenticated.
I am working with Trevor Fitzgibbon to pitch this to all the mainstream media so that I’m not talking to an echo chamber with this data. It is much better if we can get the blue-pilled media to red-pill their peers; it’s unlikely to happen any other way.
This is a huge scandal and our kids having been paying the price for decades all because the CDC doesn’t want to publicly admit they were wrong
I spoke with a top journalist at Inside Edition who thought that it’s one of the biggest stories of the decade. He said he would try to interest his friends at 60 Minutes and other outlets in viewing the data (the story is too big for IE).
I will keep you apprised.
For what it's worth, this opens up a very easy response from the lunatic left: "They're just not being diagnosed / not seeing doctors / not seeing the right doctors / etc."
A better control group would be comparing the rate of autism in the people who have been vaccinated and the ones who have lived the same length of time without any vaccinations.
It would be hard to argue data from that, but it must be done transparently in plain view of the public.