Insurance reform is needed. Laws need to be put in place so insurance companies canβt weasel out of paying valid claims. To much money is paid on monthly auto, home and property insurance bills for insurance companies to be allowed to play these games. If one is required to have auto insurance, then insurance companies must be mandated to pay out claims.
That is a truth but I'm being that it's not the driving factor of this assassination. Wife was doing prepared interviews within 5 hours; I'll bet that changes are dropped and she keeps the estate.
EDIT- from experience, communists are experts at taking truths about cheating or unfairness and using them to inspire violent revolts to seize power and introduce communist levels of cheating and unfairness.
Insurance reform is needed. Laws need to be put in place so insurance companies canβt weasel out of paying valid claims. To much money is paid on monthly auto, home and property insurance bills for insurance companies to be allowed to play these games. If one is required to have auto insurance, then insurance companies must be mandated to pay out claims.
That is a truth but I'm being that it's not the driving factor of this assassination. Wife was doing prepared interviews within 5 hours; I'll bet that changes are dropped and she keeps the estate.
EDIT- from experience, communists are experts at taking truths about cheating or unfairness and using them to inspire violent revolts to seize power and introduce communist levels of cheating and unfairness.