Didn't the c19 bs pretty much prove how non-essential most if the entire workforce really was?
Think about it... very few companies were open for a long time... including manufacturing. As someone who serviced machines that made PPE, I saw this first hand. You ain't takin a mcpiss...pack a cooler. You're on your own.
Every single company out there has a huge amount of dead weight...govt included.
Part if the great awakening is going to be cutting the bullshit and getting real about work...two incomes to survive is bullshit. Wages haven't increased in decades.
Didn't the c19 bs pretty much prove how non-essential most if the entire workforce really was?
Think about it... very few companies were open for a long time... including manufacturing. As someone who serviced machines that made PPE, I saw this first hand. You ain't takin a mcpiss...pack a cooler. You're on your own.
Every single company out there has a huge amount of dead weight...govt included.
Part if the great awakening is going to be cutting the bullshit and getting real about work...two incomes to survive is bullshit. Wages haven't increased in decades.