I am, by no means, defending either the Israelis or Palestinians, but videos like this are suspect. No context at all, except for what someone calling themselves a "savior" is saying. Videos like this don't do anyone any good at all. For many, many reasons.
There needs to be other flair options for videos like this.
For the record, if Israeli leadership has their people going around indiscriminately murdering innocent civilians, then there needs to be a world leader willing to back the ICC's decision labeling Netyanhu and his cabinet and senior military officials as war criminals and work to bring them to justice.
However, if this is happening in an area where, similar to downtown Fallujah or Korengal at their worst, and Israel has warned the civilians to evacuate and that anyone still there after a certain deadline would be considered enemy combatants and would be fired upon if found, then this is acceptable under international law.
I am, by no means, defending either the Israelis or Palestinians, but videos like this are suspect. No context at all, except for what someone calling themselves a "savior" is saying. Videos like this don't do anyone any good at all. For many, many reasons.
There needs to be other flair options for videos like this.
For the record, if Israeli leadership has their people going around indiscriminately murdering innocent civilians, then there needs to be a world leader willing to back the ICC's decision labeling Netyanhu and his cabinet and senior military officials as war criminals and work to bring them to justice.
However, if this is happening in an area where, similar to downtown Fallujah or Korengal at their worst, and Israel has warned the civilians to evacuate and that anyone still there after a certain deadline would be considered enemy combatants and would be fired upon if found, then this is acceptable under international law.
how does a research wanted flair work?
Couldn’t have said it better myself. Thank you.