Started to phase out by mid 90's and under Bush's No Child Left Behind act of 2004 vocational classes were really hard to find in high schools. By 2009 Congress passed a College readiness act that required states to report the number of kids who graduated HS and then went on to college. High schools were incentivized to offer more college prep courses but the budget was the money in the budget for vocational classes..
I graduated in the mid 80's and was required to take home economics, sewing, or some sort of shop class...oh, and typing. I still use what I learned in wood shop to this day...don't ask me to solve an algebra problem though.
Who took them out of the schools and when? asking for a fren.
Started to phase out by mid 90's and under Bush's No Child Left Behind act of 2004 vocational classes were really hard to find in high schools. By 2009 Congress passed a College readiness act that required states to report the number of kids who graduated HS and then went on to college. High schools were incentivized to offer more college prep courses but the budget was the money in the budget for vocational classes.. I graduated in the mid 80's and was required to take home economics, sewing, or some sort of shop class...oh, and typing. I still use what I learned in wood shop to this day...don't ask me to solve an algebra problem though.
Same here, use it all, but I went into Landscape Design and finally found a use for my Algebra! Kek! I had to relearn it all.
Algebra and trigonometry are very useful in making all kinds of things, and no graduates we interview can do any of it Not even chef soh cah toa.
What is this: 'chef soh cah toa'?