Michael Byrd, who shot & killed Ashli Babbitt in cold blood without warning, is threatening to “go public” unless he is pardoned.
John Strand
WOW: Michael Byrd, who shot & killed Ashli Babbitt in cold blood without warning, is threatening to “go public” unless he is pardoned.
I guess that confirms he’s guilty of murder.
I guess that also confirms there’s a J6 bombshell to “go public” with…
6:17 PM · Dec 5, 2024
Whose premise? And why is it a premise, and not an established fact? In rational analysis, you start with facts, not premises (assumptions). The "majority" of people see what I see: mainly nothing apart from what has been stated in public.
I don't like the tendency on this board to exculpate murderers under the fantasy that they were only play actors, and to denigrate the dead by claiming they were never killed. The Sandy Hook massacre was the big Passion Play for this argument, which collapsed in flames around Alex Jones, who recanted too late for his legal survival. It was even pressed into service to disparage the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, as being a false flag in which no one was killed and he was never in danger.
There are plenty of questions in all things, but the questions get answered only through honest investigation, not imaginary theorizing.
If you wait for a court of law to steer the conversation you'll wait forever. That's the whole point. It's good you're asking questions but this board isn't here to take things at face value. We dig at things until they are raw.
No. It seems more like you imagine things until you have arrived at a group delusion. Then you circle the wagons against any criticism of the delusion. All you are saying is that you will never take things at face value---even if it is the truth.