Does anyone know what the 52,000 government workers hired this month do everyday? Do they even go to work?
Eric Trump
Think: Government added 52,000 jobs in the month of December, 3x the number of jobs added to the United States Construction Industry (17,000).
We are so backward. Thankfully, help is on the way. @elonmusk @DOGE
“Overall Job Growth
•Government: 52,000 jobs added
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5:17 AM · Dec 6, 2024
It’s amusing in a depressing way that we seem to have trapped ourselves in a self-reinforcing cycle.
Many forms of Modern Western political thought in general nurses a dislike and perpetual suspicion of all forms of Government. Including some schools of left-wing thought. In particular the Democratic/Republican institutions we’ve largely chosen to organize our societies around.
Viewing it as a necessary Evil at absolute best. And the people who seek office. Or Government employment. As being inherently corrupt, incompetent or somehow deficient in some moral and ethical aspect that they couldn’t hack it anywhere outside Government.
So we chase off the people who might actually be beneficial in Government employment or seeking elected office. Due to cultural biases and poplar culture dictating those beliefs. Often outweighing any sense of social or civic duty people may feel towards their society or fellow citizens in that society.
Leaving us with primarily the exact people, barring few exceptions, that reinforce the pre-existing biases being the only ones who actually want to serve in Government or seek Office. Because they can fleece Government budgets for Millions and already feel no real responsibility or loyalty, or desire to develop those qualities, for a people or society that resents them anyway for their chosen form of employment or the fact they sought office.