I came across on Telegram on one of the channels that are on the frontlines and are constantly reporting up to the minute info. It was a video and this young women (owner of a factory??) showing off the military fatigues that she was making. She had racks of fatigues behind her but her ‘pride and joy’ construction was womens fatigues with a elasticised front for the pregnant fighter. I felt sick. While women can enlist and they have been sent to the frontline, I cannot remember seeing any posts of Russian fighters coming across killed women. If they did, it was not mentioned. The Mother in Russia holds the highest position in society. But that could change very soon because America (see Blinkens interview) want the age of Ukraine fighters reduced from 25 down to 18. And if they are willing to send ‘children in some societies’ to the frontline, it won’t be long before women will be sent. Barbaric.
Those numbers are horrifying. God help them.
I came across on Telegram on one of the channels that are on the frontlines and are constantly reporting up to the minute info. It was a video and this young women (owner of a factory??) showing off the military fatigues that she was making. She had racks of fatigues behind her but her ‘pride and joy’ construction was womens fatigues with a elasticised front for the pregnant fighter. I felt sick. While women can enlist and they have been sent to the frontline, I cannot remember seeing any posts of Russian fighters coming across killed women. If they did, it was not mentioned. The Mother in Russia holds the highest position in society. But that could change very soon because America (see Blinkens interview) want the age of Ukraine fighters reduced from 25 down to 18. And if they are willing to send ‘children in some societies’ to the frontline, it won’t be long before women will be sent. Barbaric.