What’s going on in Syria
Can someone pease explain to me what’s going on in Syria. Not sure if Assad is good or bad. Is this another color revolution from the good old USA?
A very good question. Assad is no saint, but I believe, just like Tito in former Yogoslavia, he kept the country together. Assad protected the Christian minority, as he did the more moderate Muslims. Russia is occupied in Ukraine, so it seems like Syria is now turning into a Muslim hellhole.
Can you explain why and how Yugoslavia fell apart?
My mother grew up in the region during the war and we visited Yugoslavia just as it was falling apart (around 1993), going to Bosnia Herzegovina and Croatia, and stopping briefly in Serbia. It was still communist when we were there, but it was becoming less totalitarian and "western"
The various countries/provinces in Yugoslavia were each part of different ethnic groups, which united under Tito to fight against the invading Nazis. Serbia was primarily Orthodox. CroatIa was more Catholic, influenced more from Europe. Bosnia sat between the two regions and was a blend of Christians, Muslims, and Jews (who fled there from the various pogroms in other parts of Europe - at that time the Ottoman empire welcomed Jews because they were well-educated and industrious - my mother's family included Sephardic Jews escaping the Inquisition in Spain).
The region has a long history, with wars between the ethnic groups causing many grudges, which were set aside when uniting against the Nazis, under Tito's communist banner.
Once Tito was out of the picture, these old grudges re-surfaced (I suspect from prodding from the West) and we had the civil war we saw in the late1990s.
NATO completely destroyed Yugoslavia. I have a friend in Serbia who wants to see the Clintons pay for what they helped do to that country.
Yeah "balkanization" as they put it was the first real experimental ground of the neocons after the USSR fell, to divide and conquer the countries west of Russia todestabilize Russia.
All the things that happened bebcause of what the Globalist US/NATO did - bombing of Belgrade, seige of Sarajevo and all other atrocities are something that needs reckoning. First and foremost everyone needs to understand how/why this was done, and how all the subsequent color revolutions and destabilizations around the world followed the same play book by the same people.
If anyone wants to read a good book about the siege of Sarajevo, I recommend "Pretty Birds"
Serbia muslim ? Orthodox rather. Bosnia was muslim.
You are correct, sir. My mistake (corrected in my post above)