Keep this in mind, please.
Been following the latest Diddy/Jay Z revelations and instantly go to comments.
Most of the youtube videos are a waste of time.
The comments are often golden, though.
The latest is Jay Z and Diddy abusing a 13 year old 24 years ago.
People commenting, how would parents allow a 13 year old to go out at night?
Others comment, "most parents do not", these are trafficked kids. It is not for a chance at fame or fortune.
Usually, just a sex trafficked kid. The kid might be thinking of fame and fortune, but the parents?
Got me thinking. Called my mom. There is a story of when i was 5 years old and my father scalped a man that tried to grab me.
She did not answer, so i will relay story as remembered, but add additional comment after talking to her if my story is inaccurate in any way.
Riverside, California and my mom is sitting on the lawn in one of those 70's plastic chairs knitting while watching me play on front lawn with toys in the grass.
Dad comes out to sit on porch and smoke a cigarette and drink a beer.
He has huge situational awareness. He spent 2 years as lead botswain during vietnam to handle ropes. Navy guys will understand.
He notices these 2 guys on a motorcycle circle the house and takes notice how they circle.
He said to me, "intentional circle or they are stupid and took note immediately"
Mom is clueless, but Dad is watching as they circle.
They are clueless at this point that my Dad is aware. He took a clever concealed position. Stopped smoking and set the beer down.
The final pass.
He saw them round the corner the final time.
He ran.
The guy in back of motorcycle ran to grab me.
He saw my Dad running at him and made the smart decision to abort.
As they rode away, my Dad grabbed the guy on back of motorcycle hair. He did not release the grip.
Scalped him.
Just as he would have tightened his grip on the USS Ticonderoga or USS Galveston during his 2 year stint.
Thank you Father! Such a great man. If i messed up story at all, after talking to my mother, will add.
Men like my Dad are rare today and crazy that he always felt he did not measure up, being raised by WW2 warriors.
The world today is so messed up, but!
Huge hope for future. Good things happening!
That's an alpha father, they don't make them like they used to. Situational awareness is key; today he gets labeled being paranoid but clearly he was on point and that saved your life. Awesome job
Some of us still produce alpha type kids who then go on to become alpha fathers and mothers. My father produced two. I've produced 4 alpha men and am currently working to produce an alpha woman. My brother, one. We are more rare than we used to be, but we do still exist.
There has been a revival in some pockets, I agree to that. Anyone who is part of the wrestling community knows that; it's the only sport that actually allows God where in other sports the world snuffs out.
I more or less was making argument about society...but to your point if you follow the world/society you're fighting a lost battle to begin with.
Apologize I wasn't clear there and good on you for raising your children right. May God continue to bless you and your family.
I am blessed with the alpha core and the nurturing to enhance it.
I was in a group of coworkers after a restaurant lunch, 5 men and a lady. A homeless guy, whish I was aware of, locked in on our female. He came from the opposite side of the circle from she and I. I simply stepped in front of him and would not let him touch her or give her whatever trinket he had for her.
I was the only one that even new he was around us.
Afterward, at another interaction, she made a positive comment about it to me, and one of the guys said "How did you do that.". I told her and him, "It's just what Dad's and big brothers do. "
Pretty sure I was the smallest man there. It definitely broke the homeless guys ooda loop.
Upvote and kudos for knowing and using the ooda loop.
They do share with their friends, I've observed that directly. Counsel them to mentor their friends and you're suddenly producing exponential little situationally aware people.
Here is an alpha spotted at a football game.
“Jesus deserves all the glory. We serve a champion. He died on the cross, but He rose three days later. That’s the God I serve. Anything is possible.” 🙌🏼
Praises star running back as an "Absolute War Daddy."
Coach Danielson literally baptized his star player.