There are a couple of things I am considering that makes my spidey senses go off:
15000 Jihadi' s overrun 200.000 Syrian defense forces. They, the latter just melted away, while before they were able to resist a jihadi onslaught by ISIS-groups for years on their own. And perfectly knowing well that ISIS is bad for business. It seems like orders were given to not only Not engage but also the melt away.
The ISIS-born Jihadi: Abu Mohammad al-Jolani all of a sudden in CNN-favorite.
The whole affair is presented as a surprise. Like October 7th 2023 in Israel. Yeah .... no one in their right mind is convinced of that.
Russia simply says: I have some other engagements, just don't touch Latakia. (and they can: Areshnik proved they can perfectly kill infrastructure with one shot)
The day of the cease fire truce with Hamas/ Hezbollah, Israeli forces move into the region beyond the Golan Heights, while Doug Macgregor is preaching the moral defeat of the IDF.
QATR again, is making moves in the background, like with the first Syrian Proxy war.
The rabble rousing ISIS reborn forces, are fighting amongst themselves ....
As Q would say: reconcile ....
It seems to me, that this is a trap for the DS mercenary armies. Bring them out, let them show their hand, logistics, command and control structure, etc, spread them thin, and stick a knife through the heart.
It reminds me of a ploy the British deployed in the WO-I in Arabia. Let the Arab league hold Damascus and let them infighting become weaker and weaker.
Yeah, after that civil war the Syrian army has tons of combat experience. No way experienced battle hardened troops just fold like that.
I’m not sure what is going on but it reminds me of Afghanistan. Since Russia and Iran did not bother to really try and stop it, it seems like this is part of the new global structure where such terrible regimes like that in Syria just can’t be part of the new world. I have no idea. Maybe it’s going to spin into WW3 somehow.
Syria's army had very low morale and shit pay. They've had internal conflicts for over a decade, yes. But Russia and Iran supplement the Army there. If the Syrian army was good, that would not be necessary. The internal dissent would be crushed.
We've pushed hundreds of billions of dollars into Ukraine. It's not out of the realm of possibility that some of it was funneled to Syria to pay off their Army. This happens all the time in conflicts.
Consider the per capita GDP of Syria is between $400 - $700 per year. Last year Syria started retention bonuses for soldiers by giving them an extra $7.50 per month. It would be cheaper to pay them off than it would be to fire our missiles at them. $1000 - $2000 per soldier to leave their post would be incredible wealth in their position.
We also know Trump was able to take ISIS off the board rather easily. I always took that as confirmation that it was controlled by the Deep State.
Now that jihadists are back (how did they assemble, get arms, and pay their soldiers...Ukraine again?) and the mockingbird media loves them, it makes me think this is an attempt to poke at Russia by opening a new front for them to deal with. They are desperate to escalate with Russia, as it would either pin down Trump politically or possibly provide cover to prevent a transition of power. War is basically carte blanche for a politician to do whatever they want and could not ordinarily do without the conflict.
Qatar has also been desperate to build a pipeline to Europe. Syria, in Russia's orbit, has always been against it. At a minimum, they need Kuwait, Iraq, Syria and Turkey to cooperate. Where do we not have influence?
I think that with Trump back in power Qatar would not get the pipeline. He's against military actions overseas and interfering with matters that do not directly impact us. Syria, practically a Russian vassal state, would not harm Russian interests by cutting them out of controlling Europe's energy market.
Europe is desperate for another non-Russian source of energy. They can't go hot against Russia without an alternate source of oil. Last winter they were turning a blind eye to suppliers buying Russian oil and faking its origins while selling into Europe. We do not produce enough to keep Europe warm and their factories running. Ironically, the Left's policy against producing hydrocarbons is hampering their desire to have war with Russia.
Turkey hates the Kurds, and would just as soon genocide them. The Kurds are a sizeable minority in Turkey and have had a low level conflict with Turkey as long as I can remember. The Kurds want a Kurdistan. Turkey will take any opportunity provided to them to war upon the Kurds outside of their border. This is probably only related because there is chaos in the region and little repercussions for doing so.
Have yet to understand why the British who chopped up the area split the Kurds into three countries instead of their own country.
Winston was particularly inebriated that day.