Praise God that the food issue is finally being addressed. Things are beginning to happen. I, for one, am sick and tired of being tired all the time. No matter what I do, I can’t remember the last time I woke up and felt rested. I’ve changed my diet and habits. I take my supplements and ivermectin. We buy filtered water and not in plastic single serve bottles. Spent a bunch of money on a bed a couple years ago. I have to buy New Balance shoes as my left foot is messed up from a bunion. They’re the only shoes I can make it out in the world with. I have to spend for good bras. On and on I could go but you get the idea that I’ve worked on this issue from several different angles. I don’t have insurance so I’m not on drugs for any ailment. I’m sure it’s the air and whatever is in the food. We shall see what happens from here. Getting old blows.
I agree. I went keto then carnivore. Lost weight pretty quick. I got abs now. Doubled my testosterone. It cures type 2 diabetes and most intestinal issues pretty quick. I eat until full. No starving. I think part of the reason it works so well is because the cow filters out all the crap. Plants are contaminated with glyphosate and the soils have no fertility.
Quick question; have always wanted to give it a whirl. Know you can't provide full breakdown but do you do any vegetables, fruits or just strictly meat. Also, does it matter what types (chicken, turkey or pork, seafood etc.)
I've been on the bubble of giving it a try for a while now and looking to take that leap of faith.
Praise God that the food issue is finally being addressed. Things are beginning to happen. I, for one, am sick and tired of being tired all the time. No matter what I do, I can’t remember the last time I woke up and felt rested. I’ve changed my diet and habits. I take my supplements and ivermectin. We buy filtered water and not in plastic single serve bottles. Spent a bunch of money on a bed a couple years ago. I have to buy New Balance shoes as my left foot is messed up from a bunion. They’re the only shoes I can make it out in the world with. I have to spend for good bras. On and on I could go but you get the idea that I’ve worked on this issue from several different angles. I don’t have insurance so I’m not on drugs for any ailment. I’m sure it’s the air and whatever is in the food. We shall see what happens from here. Getting old blows.
Cut out sugar. Your life will change.
I agree. I went keto then carnivore. Lost weight pretty quick. I got abs now. Doubled my testosterone. It cures type 2 diabetes and most intestinal issues pretty quick. I eat until full. No starving. I think part of the reason it works so well is because the cow filters out all the crap. Plants are contaminated with glyphosate and the soils have no fertility.
Carnivore Rules!
Quick question; have always wanted to give it a whirl. Know you can't provide full breakdown but do you do any vegetables, fruits or just strictly meat. Also, does it matter what types (chicken, turkey or pork, seafood etc.)
I've been on the bubble of giving it a try for a while now and looking to take that leap of faith.
The Energy Wellness Podcast will provide all the reasons you shouldn't do keto or carnivore. Or check out Dr. Mercolas new book. Keto, fasting and carnivore are stressors. God gave us mangos for a reason :)