Don't eat anything in a box or can. Keep carbs below 50 grams per day and stay off sugar. Might even think about your gut biome and how it affects the rest of your body. Good gut equates to wonderful mental health and overall physical health. Put trash in your body and your body will turn to trash. Watch Dr. Ken Berry on Youtube. His short videos are packed full of great knowledge and only takes a minute to watch. Why not enjoy how to improve your health from a real doctor, not one that graduated from a cookie cutter university that makes their doctors automotons?
Don't eat anything in a box or can. Keep carbs below 50 grams per day and stay off sugar. Might even think about your gut biome and how it affects the rest of your body. Good gut equates to wonderful mental health and overall physical health. Put trash in your body and your body will turn to trash. Watch Dr. Ken Berry on Youtube. His short videos are packed full of great knowledge and only takes a minute to watch. Why not enjoy how to improve your health from a real doctor, not one that graduated from a cookie cutter university that makes their doctors automotons?
And Anthony Chaffee. He is a student of Thomas Sowell and talks a lot about government corruption. He is carnivore though. A beast.