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Hey u/VaccinesCauseSIDS are you aware of a good site that sums up and presents a lot of information about vaccines causing SIDS?
sure! there is my twitter x handle at http://x.com/VaxxCauseSIDS although i often go off-topic and off-brand
twitter x has a lot of info if you search for it. I cant speak to ofher sites because im not on them enough to know
TOP https://x.com/search?q=SIDS&src=typed_query
LATEST https://x.com/search?q=SIDS&src=typed_query&f=live
But really, GAW is also an excellent resource. You guys are on top of this topic! You understand the backstory, the front story, the current story, and you are calling attention to it, and calling bullshit, and really snowballing this topic into a top priority political issue! I think we all “get it” here. you all understand why this topic is so important!
To summarize my thoughts, which started in 2015, (today is 2024)
There are those of us who argue about “IF” vaccines cause SIDS…
And there are those of us who argue about “HOW” vaccines cause SIDS.
But some of us already know.
We are far beyond any debate about “IF” vaccines cause SIDS,
We are well into the realm of asking exactly HOW vaccines cause SIDS,
Because if we figured out that it was a vaccine OD,
And the solution was simply to reform multi-vaccine SOPs
And we could save just one life…
Woulnt it be worth it?
Every SIDS death is a tragedy,
These infants were LOVED
by mothers fathers
brothers and sisters
grandmothers and grandfathers
aunts and uncles
cousins and friends and neighbors and all them
it is universal practice in the world of pediatrics etc to give an “infant” multiple vaccines in one office visit.
Example: MMR is 3 distinct vaccines, in one shot.
3 distinct “immune responses” in one shot
In theory, anyway,
Because in truth you have one immune response for each M, M and R,
BUT ALSO an immune response to everything else in the vaccine,
And THAT’s the rabbit hole to hell.
But beyond that, they give several of these multi-shots, in one office visit, and the total number of vaccines is commonly 6 to 8 or even more
If a child is “behind schedule” and needs to “catch up”
for example for a school vaccine mandate verification deadline…
Then it is common practice to give even more vaccines at once
And from my observations over the last 9 years, it seems to me that the common denominator in a SIDS death was a high number of vaccines given in a single office visit
I stuggled to find the proper vocabulary
I knew what i was witnessing, which in my mind was a vaccine-induced allergic reaction to future vaccines,
I later learned the proper name for this was Anaphylaxis
I also knew what i was witnessing, which in my mind was a “vaccine overdose”
But by the Grace of God
A vaccine shill tried passing off vaccine OD’s as mere “SIDS”
And it took a moment, but it finally hit me like a God smack
That “vaccines CAUSE SIDS”
Mystery Solved!
i had been aware of SIDS since mid 1980s when friends baby died of SIDS.
We later learned this friend had lost 2 boys to SIDS
And we didn’t know what to think of SIDS.
By definition it was mysterious and unknown
And right now, SIDS is the leading cause of death in infants
Which means vaccines are the leading cause of death in infants.
So i suspect the pediatricians et al had a 2-pronged approach to “SIDS”
draw your attention to some other detail, such as sleep position, and introduce “back to sleep” program, as a diversion
quietly reform themselves, and cut back on the number of vaccines in an office visit.
When the SIDS rates dropped, just point to “back to sleep” program and say “correlation proves causation”
BUT; the MUCH BIGGER ISSUE is the backstory of SIDS.
SIDS implicates many pillars of society!
Medical, scientific, media, government, academic, legal
They literally invented the entire concept of SIDS, for the dual purposes of
covering up the fact that vaccines kill infants
covertly communicating that vaccines are the cause of death, without mentioning the vaccine
It will take a while for this to sink in, because its so deep that your mind is not prepared to learn or accept. Its hard for ordinary people to even concieve of how such a deception would work. But once you see it, you can’t un-see it
And the whole world will soon see it
What has Trump or Kennedy said about SIDS? Anything?
Also, I kinda more meant in a memetic or flashcard sort of format.
And I’m sorry your sister lost her brain in a tragic leftard accident.
We can rebuild it! Somehow…! Somehow!!!!
To be in front, one needs to be able to remember a lot of specifics on the fly, be able to quickly analyze them in real time, and turn the whole thing into a great story.
That is a great story.