Illegal working for the government prosecuting Americans, of course they gaslight everyone with “he’s going after the bad illegals, you see they are not all bad.”
Undocumented means he's here illegally, regardless of what he's doing. Good or bad, he's an illegal alien.
No idea how old he is, but I'm guessing at least 27 or older if he's a prosecutor. So he's been to school, graduated, and I'm guessing had several jobs. All while illegal?
He lied when he took is oath of office
He will use no falsehood…as the first action when taking the job…charge arrest try imprison. No one is above the law.
Illegal working for the government prosecuting Americans, of course they gaslight everyone with “he’s going after the bad illegals, you see they are not all bad.”
To hell with these treasonous politicians.
Let him prosicute in the shithole he came from...
“I was the first Black US President”
The answer to Dicks last question is yes. Illegal is illegal is illegal. It's quite a simple concept, really.
Oaths mean nothing to people with no conscience.
Undocumented means he's here illegally, regardless of what he's doing. Good or bad, he's an illegal alien.
No idea how old he is, but I'm guessing at least 27 or older if he's a prosecutor. So he's been to school, graduated, and I'm guessing had several jobs. All while illegal?
He is illegal and liar!