It’s a high probability that the drones are looking for WMDs due to intel. They don’t want the people to panic. That is why no one is doing anything about them.
I think the military is worried that they may contain explosives or toxins and that if we shoot them, we might be releasing the next pandemic or nuclear holocaust.
NJ Assemblyman Brian Berger said that he was a pilot in the Army and flew Apache Attack Helicopters!
He also said he helped stand up the initial unmanned aircraft training Battalion in the aviation sector of the army.
So, he has particular insight. He doesn't buy that the helicopter pilots are unable to capture or track these drones.
What is really going on?
It’s a high probability that the drones are looking for WMDs due to intel. They don’t want the people to panic. That is why no one is doing anything about them.
I think the military is worried that they may contain explosives or toxins and that if we shoot them, we might be releasing the next pandemic or nuclear holocaust.