Excuse me peasant. This is the New Rome. and Senator Augustus Maximus Caesar Pythagoras Hercules Mitch McConnelus XIIV is the most esteemed Senator in the Empire, and we will wheelchair his poopy diaper ass where ever we damn well please.
Like a 12 digit pin code. You have to enter it into a randomized keypad by yourself in a secure single person vestibule every day or you can't come in.
Probably take out half these fuckers. If you can't remember a phone number, you're cooked.
Can we not set some boundaries on this bullshit? This is fucking pathetic
Excuse me peasant. This is the New Rome. and Senator Augustus Maximus Caesar Pythagoras Hercules Mitch McConnelus XIIV is the most esteemed Senator in the Empire, and we will wheelchair his poopy diaper ass where ever we damn well please.
Like a 12 digit pin code. You have to enter it into a randomized keypad by yourself in a secure single person vestibule every day or you can't come in.
Probably take out half these fuckers. If you can't remember a phone number, you're cooked.
Or a flight of stairs. Might've stopped Biden long ago.