Meanwhile people like I and my family who don't get food stamps are struggling to purchase fresh fruits and veggies, fresh meat and eggs.
It angers me every time I see some morbidly obese woman waddling with her obese children squabbling and screaming over cookies and candies put loads of sugar and carbs on the checkout counter, then she picks up an extra mountain dew at the end just for good measure, and she doesn't have to pay one red cent. Then I put my food on the counter and the total ends up being near $200 for basic things like meat and vegetables! Infuriating!
Meanwhile people like I and my family who don't get food stamps are struggling to purchase fresh fruits and veggies, fresh meat and eggs.
It angers me every time I see some morbidly obese woman waddling with her obese children squabbling and screaming over cookies and candies put loads of sugar and carbs on the checkout counter, then she picks up an extra mountain dew at the end just for good measure, and she doesn't have to pay one red cent. Then I put my food on the counter and the total ends up being near $200 for basic things like meat and vegetables! Infuriating!
The hopsital doesn't care because her fat ass gets medicare and they get to buy a new elephant sized MRI machine for their "bariatric" patients.
There's no "ultimate penalty" for these retards, other than a shortened life span, which they're too dumb to feel confronted by.