Just listened to what I consider the best rap song of the 80's.
Dougie Fresh and Slick Rick performing The Show.
Absolutely brilliant, still.
Best of the best.
Thought of it, because of all these pedo rappers going down. Seems to be high ranking leadership involved. I.E. Clive Davis.
No idea for sure, but damn.
This is an 80's classic when rap was a true artform.
The Hip Hop genre was compromised in the 90's. It was used to corrupt the youth so that they would commit more crimes. It was an effort to get more people into the prison system. Corporations own prisons. It's a money-making scheme and Hip Hop was part of the plan.
You're correct... But it's even more insidious than that.
It was specifically targeted to the white males... The population needed to lose it's identity and search for a "better" one. It was all a part of the age old commie scam. Erase history. Erase self.
And nothing becomes immensely popular without the white people buying it. That's just pure math.
Who's running the show behind the scenes?
Who got the Beastie Boys to go from punk to hip hop?
Who signed Third Bass?
Vanilla Ice?
Rap used to be fun, 59 now, but when I was late teens and very early 20s say '85 to '87 I went into that phase of listening to stuff no one around mewas listening to. Horrible sentence there, English man English, but I remember it being fun trying to learn the raps. Never felt as dark and ignorant as late rap. If you haven't heard it, Salt-N-Peppas Showstopper seems to be a rebuttal of sorts to "The Show" Like UTFO Roxanne Roxanne and the Real Roxanne. Sugarhill Gang, Grandmaster Flash, Mantronix, I could go on and on, it was so much fun to listen to that stuff.
Right.... then all of a sudden the genre changed over night. It went from inventive fun loving dance music to killing, whores, drugs, and fuck the police.
I prefer Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos.
Or Rock the Bells from that era.
Rap = bad poetry accompanied by samples swiped from someone else's recordings.
It's also a knockoff of the "talking blues," which was originated by country and folk artists in the 1920s and 1930s. The talking blues were better, as the lyrics were better and the accompaniment was by the artist himself.
Usually if an unsigned artist gets the buzz going, they are approached with flowers.
Once they sign the deal, only then will the claws come out. Those who refuse drift into the background from whence they came. All first deals are heavily slanted towards easy disposal for this reason.
Those who play ball change album by album until they are in complete darkness. Usually a mental break occurs between the 5th and 6th album. They then have to "reclaim" their fame {reaffirmation} They are implored to sell out even more. They are then finally just a shell or they are dead.
We've seen this time and time again with the Britney Spears types. Go look up Christina Alguileras first video. Go look up Natalie Furtados first video.
Then go look at anything from their third album.
You can physically see when the deals are made.