The MAIN thing we need is an election audit to prove 2020 was stolen and nullify everything the Xiden Administration has done in the last 4 years THEN we can get all these traitors delivered to a neck tie party!
Me thinks you're right,Remember the alphabet character said, "We have it all, no one walks away from this" I don't think those pardons will stand, but we'll see we're very close to finding out.
The MAIN thing we need is an election audit to prove 2020 was stolen and nullify everything the Xiden Administration has done in the last 4 years THEN we can get all these traitors delivered to a neck tie party!
And get a refund fron Ukraine and everyone that got any of our tax money!
Me thinks you're right,Remember the alphabet character said, "We have it all, no one walks away from this" I don't think those pardons will stand, but we'll see we're very close to finding out.
I betcha Sydney & Rudy got that ready to show to any decent judge