Reagan worked for HW Bush, the Rockefellers and the Deep State. That is why MSM has been televising his speeches for the past 40 years. 40 years of indoctrination. FACTS & RECEIPTS:
#1 Raped Cathy O’Brien child sex survivor when she was a child in the CIA MK Ultra Program:
#2 Regularly attended the Bohemian Club: And:
#3 Included in the Washington DC, child sex scandal:
#4 Middle East When Reagan was president he and H.W. Bush paid the Iranian's to not release the hostages in order to prevent the re-election of Jimmy Carter in 1980. The hostages were released as promised as Reagan was sworn into office. Reagan then secretly sold chemical & biological weapons to Iraq.
#5 Central and South America
- In Central America, Reagan-Bush ran a massive criminal operation that imported hundreds of tons of cocaine into the US and shipped arms illegally to the terrorist Contras that Reagan affectionately called "Freedom Fighters".
- In South America his puppet military dictators abducted, tortured, murdered and mutilated close to 200,000 civilians in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras in the name of 'democracy' and fighting communism.
#6 Satanist
Much of the activity of the Reagan years can be explained by the fact that Ronnie and Nancy were devout supporters of Satanists. So devout that they insisted the head of the satanic Temple of Set, Colonel Michael Aquino, visit the White House wearing his satanic high-priest robe. With Reagan's support Aquino was able to get Satanism recognized as a protected religious belief in the military. Aquino was investigated by the military as well as the San Francisco Police Dept. when children identified him as head of a "Devil Worship Club" that ritually molested, murdered and cannibalized children. But the case was dismissed under pressure from the highest levels.
#7 Franklin Scandal
Daughter Maureen Reagan was close to Larry King, head of the failed Franklin Community Credit Union, Republican darling and leader of a child abduction, pornography and prostitution ring. King was involved with the satanic CIA child abduction and mind control program that kidnapped Johnny Gosch while he was delivering newspapers.
#8 Collapse of the Savings and Loan
America's worst financial disaster since the Great Depression occurred under Reagan with the collapse of the Savings & Loan system. Nearly $500 billion was looted from thousands of Savings & Loans by a criminal ring that included the Mafia, CIA and the Bush family.
#9 Environment
EnvironmentReagan's real views on the environment became clear during his Presidential campaign when he claimed that trees caused more air pollution than cars. During his criminal reign of terror he systematically dismantled environmental protection laws and rolled back decades of hard-won progress to protect the Earth and the health of its inhabitants.
#10 Really worked for HW Bush and the Rockefellers, not the American people.
The full extent of Reagan's crimes may never be known because George W. Bush issued an executive order which countermands the 1978 Presidential Records Act and prevents the release of 68,000 pages of Reagan era documents.
#11 Controlled by the Rockefellers
- Ronald with David Rockefeller:
- Ronald with David Rockefeller:
- Ronald with David Rockefeller:
- Rockefeller:
- Ronald with David Rockefeller:
#12 Responsible for “Trickle-down Economics If there’s one person most often associated with the origins of of trickle-down economics, it’s President Ronald Reagan: “money was all appropriated for the top in the hopes it would trickle down to the needy.” This did not happen. The rich kept all the money for themselves.
#13 Created Mentally Ill Homelessness He closed down mental institutions, saying mentally ill people should live at home with their own families and attend outpatient mental programs in the cities. The result was a sharp increase in homelessness, many of whom were mentally ill and dangerous.
#14 - Reagan fires 11,000 striking air traffic controllers, Aug. 5, 1981 changing the workplace forever.
Correct. Nearly all nefarious activities attributed to Reagan was actually Bush/CIA “dirty-ing” Reagan/Nancy up or directly undermining him. It is possible that Nancy was “a handler” via family or Hollywood ties just as Jackie Kennedy is suspected of being JFK’s “handler” (possibly involuntarily). Reagan did not do as he was told, thus the assassination attempt and Bush/CIA soft coup on July 14, 1985 stripping him of all real power.
Note that is was July 14, 2024 in Switzerland at the exact time they tried to take out Trump.