The papal beast's pawn and fake Jews state of Israel stoaking the flame to further ignite hatred of the Jews in furtherance with the ultimate plan to resurrect the Crusades and Inquisitions and usher in a NWO and Nationalize "the Church" once again to be the open and tangible ruler of world government?
hit em where it hurts winn, hit em right in their Jerusalem Cross; one massive hit for each little cross and a Joe Rogan spinning back-kick for the big one; sternum crush!
The papal beast's pawn and fake Jews state of Israel stoaking the flame to further ignite hatred of the Jews in furtherance with the ultimate plan to resurrect the Crusades and Inquisitions and usher in a NWO and Nationalize "the Church" once again to be the open and tangible ruler of world government?
hit em where it hurts winn, hit em right in their Jerusalem Cross; one massive hit for each little cross and a Joe Rogan spinning back-kick for the big one; sternum crush!