Arguably, X is funded by the government (Elon IS the biggest government contractor, right?) Henceforth it should be compelled to abide by the constitution. Even if it wasn't, that's not even the point. This is about Elon's brazen hypocrisy and denial of what X has become since he appointed that WEF CEO.
Also, free speech DOES mean "free-for-all-say-anything-you-want-everywhere-anytime". Free speech with conditions is not "free speech." Period.
1.Being contracted by the government does not make you a part of the government. However, X is a US company and still has to comply with US law.
Our freedom of speech is not as unlimited as you believe. There are free speech exemptions that have been determined by supreme court cases over time. Incitement to violence: we are not allowed to shout "fire" or "bomb" in a public space unless there is a credible threat because a stampede will form and people can get hurt. True threats of violence, obscenity, defamation, false statements of facts (which includes 'Violent Event Denial'), false advertising, and child porn are all examples of unprotected speech.
If Elon allowed these things on X, he would be subject to criminal and civil liability a.k.a. breaking the law and/or getting sued into oblivion. Even if all speech were legal, who the hell would want to visit a website with obscenity, lies, threats, child porn etc.?
All I can do is say again: X is not Congress and neither is, for example, my house. There are places, like this website for another example, where you are not free to say just anything.
"Free speech with conditions is not "free speech". Period." Right, just like X, my house, and right here where we are now have conditions on our speech. I bet there would be some conditions on my speech if I was at your house. I bet your mom put some conditions on your speech from time to time as well.
What you don't like is someone's rules, but do you have rules about other people using your stuff? You have to remember that Private Property is a thing too.
Arguably, X is funded by the government (Elon IS the biggest government contractor, right?) Henceforth it should be compelled to abide by the constitution. Even if it wasn't, that's not even the point. This is about Elon's brazen hypocrisy and denial of what X has become since he appointed that WEF CEO.
Also, free speech DOES mean "free-for-all-say-anything-you-want-everywhere-anytime". Free speech with conditions is not "free speech." Period.
Two things here.
1.Being contracted by the government does not make you a part of the government. However, X is a US company and still has to comply with US law.
If Elon allowed these things on X, he would be subject to criminal and civil liability a.k.a. breaking the law and/or getting sued into oblivion. Even if all speech were legal, who the hell would want to visit a website with obscenity, lies, threats, child porn etc.?
All I can do is say again: X is not Congress and neither is, for example, my house. There are places, like this website for another example, where you are not free to say just anything.
"Free speech with conditions is not "free speech". Period." Right, just like X, my house, and right here where we are now have conditions on our speech. I bet there would be some conditions on my speech if I was at your house. I bet your mom put some conditions on your speech from time to time as well.
What you don't like is someone's rules, but do you have rules about other people using your stuff? You have to remember that Private Property is a thing too.