Palantir gathers intelligence to make mass assassinations easier.....and if you dont think they are also spying domestically to mass assassinate US citizens, then you are a dumb fool.
That's what happened in "Captain America: The Winter Soldier".
Nick Fury reveals that S.H.I.E.L.D. is creating a new surveillance/weapons program called Project Insight that uses artificial intelligence to predict which people will become terrorist threats and automatically kill them with giant drones before they act. Cap disagrees with the decision to create this program, believing that this is a vast overreach of power and could be abused.
Cap is proven right when it turns out that S.H.I.E.L.D. is infested by HYDRA agents who plan on using Project Insight to kill everyone who the AI system predicts would stand in the way of their new world order.
Interesting name. In Lord of the Rings the palantirs are crystal balls you can use to see what happens elsewhere, but after Sauron had gotten hold of some they had become more of a trap as the evil lord could get hold of the minds of people who used any of the palantirs after that. They also were always unreliable, as using them required extraordinary powerful mind and the ability to concentrate in order to direct their "seeing" to what would be useful instead of misdirecting the user to something that might give a false impression, or useless knowledge to him.
So, basically, the palantirs are something used by evil and useful only to evil.
All wars are won before they are started! WW1 and WW2 were false flags perpetrated by the elite, fully knowing the outcome! The only wealthy people who died during these wars were those against their total global domination! The masses were simply cannon fodder who were used to create their grand illusion! They have been playing this 'good cop vs bad cop' psyops on the masses for centuries! WW3 has already been won and will be recorded in the annals of history as the only true global war! NCSWIC conforms my last statement!
Palantir gathers intelligence to make mass assassinations easier.....and if you dont think they are also spying domestically to mass assassinate US citizens, then you are a dumb fool.
That's what happened in "Captain America: The Winter Soldier".
Nick Fury reveals that S.H.I.E.L.D. is creating a new surveillance/weapons program called Project Insight that uses artificial intelligence to predict which people will become terrorist threats and automatically kill them with giant drones before they act. Cap disagrees with the decision to create this program, believing that this is a vast overreach of power and could be abused.
Cap is proven right when it turns out that S.H.I.E.L.D. is infested by HYDRA agents who plan on using Project Insight to kill everyone who the AI system predicts would stand in the way of their new world order.
Predictive programming.
Very interesting
Did you also notice the maestro shot with the baton? Looked like the same image was used as in the ghost ops video.
Anyone here with the technical ability to compare the two?
Interesting name. In Lord of the Rings the palantirs are crystal balls you can use to see what happens elsewhere, but after Sauron had gotten hold of some they had become more of a trap as the evil lord could get hold of the minds of people who used any of the palantirs after that. They also were always unreliable, as using them required extraordinary powerful mind and the ability to concentrate in order to direct their "seeing" to what would be useful instead of misdirecting the user to something that might give a false impression, or useless knowledge to him.
So, basically, the palantirs are something used by evil and useful only to evil.
I wake up
There is another psyop
All wars are won before they are started! WW1 and WW2 were false flags perpetrated by the elite, fully knowing the outcome! The only wealthy people who died during these wars were those against their total global domination! The masses were simply cannon fodder who were used to create their grand illusion! They have been playing this 'good cop vs bad cop' psyops on the masses for centuries! WW3 has already been won and will be recorded in the annals of history as the only true global war! NCSWIC conforms my last statement!
Bless their little hearts
One drone for every person, not possible any time soon. One drone for every DS satanist pedo, very possible. Let's see what happens, NCSWIC, God wins.