It’s old news that was doing the rounds a few months ago. Operatives like Peter Sweden are in the game to re-seed placatory narratives to keep the angry minority subdued. He’s been doing this consistently throughout the Great Culling. My guess is he’s a Freemason, possibly with bloodline connections, if not full on CIA/Mossad. Certainly straight out of Globohomo limited hangout controlled oppo central casting, and on the side of the perpetrators.
It’s old news that was doing the rounds a few months ago. Operatives like Peter Sweden are in the game to re-seed placatory narratives to keep the angry minority subdued. He’s been doing this consistently throughout the Great Culling. My guess is he’s a Freemason, possibly with bloodline connections, if not full on CIA/Mossad. Certainly straight out of Globohomo limited hangout controlled oppo central casting, and on the side of the perpetrators.
Quite a guess