Guinness is not the same everywhere. The best one (not joking) is sold in NIgeria. Higher strength alcohol and different taste. You can sometimes get it imported and it's recognisable by the misty damaged surface of the glass bottles because they wash and recycle them so many times.
The stuff generally on offer in UK is not all that great. A while back Tesco were selling special cans with an accompanying USB-powered device which was supposed to do something to improve the taste.
Good. Guinness is watery bilge, its a bad copy of London Porter from Victorian times.
That’s obviously why it’s one of the most popular drinks in the world, maybe the rest of the world doesn’t have your discerning taste.
Thank you.
Guinness is not the same everywhere. The best one (not joking) is sold in NIgeria. Higher strength alcohol and different taste. You can sometimes get it imported and it's recognisable by the misty damaged surface of the glass bottles because they wash and recycle them so many times.
The stuff generally on offer in UK is not all that great. A while back Tesco were selling special cans with an accompanying USB-powered device which was supposed to do something to improve the taste.
My guess is that the crap made in the states is no better with the exception of the craft breweries which the globalists want out of business ASAP.
Agreed, the usb thing is the that’s the Nitro crap, supposed to be the genuine pour, no thanks.
Pint bottles for me, of Irish Guinness. I had the Nigerian once when in Italy, and all the time when in Tenerife, it’s not bad at all.
I mostly drink Beamish, which I think is an Irish only stout.
It’s all the Muslims sneaking down to the pub
Good. Guinness is disgusting. I'll stick to my American bourbon.
I'm guessing some environmental commie crap is interfering with production.
Haven’t heard anything in Ireland about this, Guinness is also brewed in Manchester, UK (I think) and of all places, Nigeria.