👉🏻 Link to yesterday’s post.
Holy Father, this week I choose not to move to my company’s headquarter in Eastern Switzerland: many colleagues are on holiday, the office is moving to a new building and the few colleagues I may meet there might be really busy packing their things. This gives me some solace, also given that tomorrow night I am implementing a big Production update until late in the evening, so I don’t need to get up so soon the day before. I like how I currently manage to remain busy yet still efficiently learning about that double aspect of my work. There are still many administrative aspects that I don’t quite master yet but the colleagues are nice enough to tolerate these omissions of mine as long as I humbly notify them about these. I pray this softly but swiftly sorts itself out and I finally get in this new job most of the appreciation I had in the previous one.
Today we celebrate Josep Manyanet i Vives:
Josep Manyanet i Vives, SF (7 January 1833 – 17 December 1901) was a Spanish Roman Catholic priest and the founder of the Sons of the Holy Family and the Missionary Daughters of the Holy Family. He served in a range of capacities as a parish priest before establishing both religious orders in order to spread devotion to the Holy Family to whom he fostered an intense devotion.
Today’s Deltas
👉🏻 https://qalerts.app/?q=Dec+17
- 1506 = 17 Ă— 88 + 10
From https://findthefactors.com/2020/08/17/1506-and-level-5/
- 1506 = 2 Ă— 3 Ă— 251
- 1506 is not the sum or the difference of two squares but it is still part of two Pythagorean triples: 1506-567008-567010, and 1506-62992-63010
##Â From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1000_(number)#1500_to_1599
- number of Golomb partitions of 28
- Eilikrines: from heile (the sun's ray) and krino : judged by sunlight, i.e. tested as genuine (figuratively):--pure, sincere.
Matching Bible verse
- 2 Pe 3:1: This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance
- Psalm 88:10: Will You work wonders for the dead? Shall the dead arise and praise You? Selah
Q DROP #1506
👉🏻 https://qalerts.app/?q=%231506
See you tomorrow, Frens!🤓
That's terrible....glad you are well...people are all over the road when I am driving...you have to be careful no matter what you do evidently. Sure glad you are safe...I imagine that was pretty scary...there are certainly people driving that shouldn't be...have a wonderful Christmas...
Thank you. That's exactly why we don't allow our 14 yo grandson behind us to go across the road and check the mail. Too dangerous. I think perhaps they were trying to blow my umbrella out of my hand. We may never know. And you have a wonderful Christmas too.
Just got informed by phone with the grandkids Sunday School teacher (she just got back from Florida) and the kids went to visit my oldest granddaughter who is 18 and in nursing school, that they will be participating in a nativity scene this coming Sunday night at our secret Santa Christmas program. My granddaughter who is 7 will be Mary and her 'little boyfriend' age 7 will be Joseph. My 14 yo grandson will be a Shepherd and my 11 yo grandson will be reading a poem. Sunday morning they will be participating by reading for the Advent and lighting the candles. A full Sunday. I can hardly wait. Got to bring finger foods for the last meal of the year. God bless.
That is such a lot of fun...so happy you lived to enjoy all this. It really sounds like you attend a really great church and it is so much fun when all your family is involved. You are blessed, Mary....you know my oldest daughter is named Mary Elizabeth and we called her Mary Beth but now it is just Mary...so I do like the name Mary...LOL...
That is so great. I have a baby sister named Elizabeth. Beth for short. Named after our mother. So she has a lovely name. Not going to tell you my middle name as everyone who hears it calls me that instead of Mary. And my 7 yo granddaughter who is playing Mary; her name is Maryann and she is my namesake. It's nice to carry on family names. A Bible tradition. Remember Zechariah didn't name his son by family tradition and the people couldn't understand why he named him John.