I would blame the globalists, pyops, traitors, propaganda that don't look out for our interests that support this way of thinking before I blame these people coming in. Even Trump said, can't blame them for wanting to come in...that paired with globalists propaganda...it's a slow cancer
Do "kids these days" even know what ET is?? My child is growing up in a bubble where pop culture and music stops in the late 90s. Even that range is suspect I know, since brainwashing started in there. Haha.
It's all so tiresome. The reason you post this sort of meme hating on Muslims is because the TV told you to. Unfortunately, it's lost on most normies (you) who post this sort of meme.
Who is causing the current degeneracy in the world now? Think for yourself. When the TV tells you to do something, do the opposite.
Then why? Why are you continuing to bash Muslims when they have nothing to do with the degeneracy being pumped into our houses in the media, movies, music, news, schools, gov't,...everything. What do Muslims have to do with that??
Continuing the tired old trope of turning the world against Muslims has been inspired by "our greatest ally". The sooner you understand (((they))) hate us, the sooner you will stop wasting your time with these tired old memes that don't move the needle at all.
E.T. didn't have a tendency to self exploding.
I would blame the globalists, pyops, traitors, propaganda that don't look out for our interests that support this way of thinking before I blame these people coming in. Even Trump said, can't blame them for wanting to come in...that paired with globalists propaganda...it's a slow cancer
So true.
Do "kids these days" even know what ET is?? My child is growing up in a bubble where pop culture and music stops in the late 90s. Even that range is suspect I know, since brainwashing started in there. Haha.
It's all so tiresome. The reason you post this sort of meme hating on Muslims is because the TV told you to. Unfortunately, it's lost on most normies (you) who post this sort of meme.
Who is causing the current degeneracy in the world now? Think for yourself. When the TV tells you to do something, do the opposite.
Just like our African neighbors, you only need to ask yourself one question: who brought them here? Hint: it wasn't the Dutch.
Who has brought and is bringing the hordes of illegals here? What do all of these NGOs have in common?
That's why we shouldn't send Gates to the Dutch. Wait for the Congo to call for his extradition.
Dont assume fren
Then why? Why are you continuing to bash Muslims when they have nothing to do with the degeneracy being pumped into our houses in the media, movies, music, news, schools, gov't,...everything. What do Muslims have to do with that??
Continuing the tired old trope of turning the world against Muslims has been inspired by "our greatest ally". The sooner you understand (((they))) hate us, the sooner you will stop wasting your time with these tired old memes that don't move the needle at all.
Again... Assumptions on your part
I'm not part of YOUR LIVING REALITY As you are CHOOSING to relate here.
Your sub/conscious is OBVIOUSLY encountered this.
Enjoy your day/ night fren
Go back to your reality on FoxNews. Keep hate alive! Keep yourself and your family in the dark.
You realize you A S S U M I N G ONCE AGAIN
Now it's Painfully Obvious That your words statements Is Mirror of your Subconscious
I typed this slowly ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️
So you can stop projection
Pillar of Wisdom is not..