Apparently, this school sho*ting was “predicted” two years ago by this X account @TaoistShelby, and they even accurately name dropped “RadFemHitler” which is the account that “inspired” her to do this.The odds that this is some 🤡 MK Ultra PSYOP just shot through the roof.
🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸

They need to give up these school shootings. Overused. Shock value nil to those who are not affected.
The media needs to IGNORE them and their "manifestos" and stop inspiring copycats. They mostly want attention. Don't give it to them.
But it only took ONE maybe two of these events for both England and Australia to give up their guns.
NZ had a(highly suspect) mosque shooting and they have up their guns...
The shooting trick works for cucks....
especially if they don't have the second amendment!
That’s the trick… they do have the second amendment.
It is acknowledged that free men are able and duty-bound to secure a free state. This is a natural state of being, into which God created ALL men.
This part is arguably less important than the first. If the men of a land insist on freedom, they will have it, though the rulers of the land may murder them for it. That non-infringement is enshrined in law only makes it easier, or perhaps possible, to remain free peacefully.
It seems fairly certain that one of the real purposes of WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and the others, were to trick uncucked, patriotic, hard American men into dying so the cuck and traitor percentages could go up.
Let’s see these excrement connoisseurs try what they’ve been doing with Peace as the rule.
He needs to be deadnamed, his likeness edited in hilarious situations to elicit mockery and laughter, and bring shame to his parents for enabling such behavior. Trannies hate being mocked and laughed at.