I have read many posts on this subject, but I have yet to find a simple routine. I am on day three of horse paste. Currently taking 1 dose per day, about the length of a Lima bean (175 lbs). Current plan is 7 days on, skip a week, and repeat one more time to get rid of any stragglers.
What is YOUR recommendation? Did you feel healthier afterward?
The reason for multiple doses in most animals is to clear the parasite load.
Ivermectin kills the adult parasites, but most parasites have an egg cycle that runs between ten and fourteen days. Dosing two or three days in a row is not really necessary for a parasite cleanse.
I dose 1st of the month only now, but if you are starting out for the first time it would be best to do one dose and wait about ten to fourteen days and do another.
I am not sure the one month interval is even necessary, but it won't hurt you, and you really don't know how often you have been exposed to parasites. If you had some way to be diagnosed as having them I think the ten to fourteen day interval would be the way to go with a known infection.
I like your answer. Maybe 1 dose 1st and 15th of month, and repeat maybe twice a year? Does that sound about right?
I do it monthly, but you could probably get by with twice a year. I personally would go at least quarterly, and if you space it out that much you would need to make sure you did the two doses at the ten to fourteen day interval.