"We are the news now" takes on a new dimension as the Old Media increasingly covers stories that we "conspiracy theorists" have researched, known, and discussed for years.
THEY ARE (essentially) SHOWING OUR CONTENT TO THE NORMIES. After years of being slandered, censored, cancelled, and worse, the truths unearthed by the Anon community are leaking out in the media still consumed by millions, and the trickle is turning into a flood. Note that this DailyMail content is based on content published in the NY Times and the Wall Street Journal.
The Truth of Biden's puppet Presidency is getting around and becoming "official".
The knives have come out — and so has the truth.
Having been lied to for years by the Democratic Party machine and most of the mainstream media — who insisted Joe Biden was not diminished by his age but energized by it — well, it turns out we skeptics were right all along.
And what we're learning is terrifying. Infuriating. An unacceptable abuse of power, a usurpation of the presidency itself by a nameless, faceless cohort.
Will we ever know who these conspirators are?
Two bombshell reports out this week, in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, depict a president thoroughly out to lunch for his entire term: Top cabinet members unable reach him. Staff regularly taking his place at official events. Biden refusing to hold morning meetings but clocking out at 4pm — even though he naps every day and, in July, announced that he'd no longer hold events after 8pm.
The real culprit in this debacle is turning out to be DrJill. The fact that she knowingly subjected Joe to this exposure is showing America what an egocentric bitch she really is.