The monks and the nuns established hospitality for travelers >> hospitals.
They used their herbs and healing traditions.
Nuns established hospitals. All those abbesses were significant persons, were given permission by the Holy See to establish teaching and hospital orders.
That was their purpose and service. They accomplished wonders.
IMHO health care and health insurance should NOT be for profit.
But now women would rather work in the health and insurance industry than be nuns. Feminism and Vatican II destroyed the religious.
There are some new faithful orders, such as the Dominican teaching nuns.
We agree health care should be not for profit, but there are not enough nuns left to staff those hospitals.
So society should not complain, since society is not rewarding women to be nuns anymore . . .
No no, that's cool wasn't taken out by some street vigilantes wanting to carry out justice. No, this was a calculated assassination as that ceo was wrapped up in something sooooo deep someone needed him quiet. Now I heard he was supposed to testify against Nancy Pelosi, but maybe it was something wete completely unaware of. Just saying the killer smells straight out of a Cia psyop
A lot of people could save enormous amounts on insurance costs if everyone in America was not poisoned by the food industry. Get rid of added chemicals in our food and go on a healthy diet, hospitals might close for consolidation because of lack of sick people.
The monks and the nuns established hospitality for travelers >> hospitals.
They used their herbs and healing traditions.
Nuns established hospitals. All those abbesses were significant persons, were given permission by the Holy See to establish teaching and hospital orders.
That was their purpose and service. They accomplished wonders.
IMHO health care and health insurance should NOT be for profit.
But now women would rather work in the health and insurance industry than be nuns. Feminism and Vatican II destroyed the religious.
There are some new faithful orders, such as the Dominican teaching nuns.
We agree health care should be not for profit, but there are not enough nuns left to staff those hospitals.
So society should not complain, since society is not rewarding women to be nuns anymore . . .
...compelling observations. nicely stated and framed...
Couldn't agree more!
No no, that's cool wasn't taken out by some street vigilantes wanting to carry out justice. No, this was a calculated assassination as that ceo was wrapped up in something sooooo deep someone needed him quiet. Now I heard he was supposed to testify against Nancy Pelosi, but maybe it was something wete completely unaware of. Just saying the killer smells straight out of a Cia psyop
No, one person murdering another is Not “the People” by any stretch. If that was the case Obama are would be gone.
A lot of people could save enormous amounts on insurance costs if everyone in America was not poisoned by the food industry. Get rid of added chemicals in our food and go on a healthy diet, hospitals might close for consolidation because of lack of sick people.