He did pit forth the people's car VW. A bug alp could afford, reliable and cheap to fix.
Then the VW Bus. Transporters for sightseeing and campers for weekend family adventure.
When's the last time we were ever thought of? We got cars we can't afford that are programmed to fail.
He did pit forth the people's car VW. A bug alp could afford, reliable and cheap to fix. Then the VW Bus. Transporters for sightseeing and campers for weekend family adventure.
When's the last time we were ever thought of? We got cars we can't afford that are programmed to fail.
when I look at pictures of Hitler with children & animals, they All look content, happy, etc.
I think that's a good indicator of his underlying nature.
I also didn't believe all the Hitler hype as a child, he didn't seem That evil, just bossy...
New cars suck and they're ugly too.