BBC Featured Christmas Market Terrorist in 2019 Immigration Promo—This Aged Horribly (VIDEO) - Red State Nation
In a shocking twist, the BBC is under fire for featuring Taleb al-Abdulmohsen—the suspect behind the horrific Christmas market attack in Germany—in a 2019 immigration promotion. Once hailed as a poster child for integration, al-Abdulmohsen’s true identity ...
So Thomas Crooks and Ryan Routh were in Blackrock ads, and Taleb al-Abdulmohsen is in a BBC documentary...
It seems his anti-Muslim schtick was to keep him from being sent back to Saudi Arabia. It worked...
Surprise, the BBC pushing unvetted immigration. Thanks media.
They always do this on purpose. It seems symbolic. Follow the money.
And the Southport triple child killer was also in a BBC feature