Think about the kindly little old lady who lives a couple of doors down from you. She's pleasant to wave at when you're going to the grocery store. Come to find out she's a Registar of Voters and has done some underhanded things to get her favorite lawmaker elected. Do you really want to send sweet Grandma to the gallows for Treason? I know I would.
Think about the kindly little old lady who lives a couple of doors down from you. She's pleasant to wave at when you're going to the grocery store. Come to find out she's a Registar of Voters and has done some underhanded things to get her favorite lawmaker elected. Do you really want to send sweet Grandma to the gallows for Treason? I know I would.
The face of evil isn't always ugly. It can come in the form of a "sweet" grandma. Treason is treason, no matter who may have committed the crime.
Sure would. Grandma is ruining the nation for everyone else.