A pension AND NOW Social Security too???
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Anybody who pays into Social Security for "forty quarters" is entitled to receive Social Security retirement benefits. The amount they receive is based on the years they have worked altogether. I have worked in the private sector between the ages of 18 and 38. That's 20 years. After that I got a government job that does not pay into Social Security. The people who get a government job at 18 and work for 33 1/3 years are entitled to a full pension.
When I retire my pension will be $930 per month.
You're telling me that my 20 years of paying into Social Security should be voided and that I need to be happy with my $930 a month?
"Fat Cat fed workers...". I have a wife and three kids and I live in a one bedroom place. If it was up to you I wouldn't be allowed my money from a program that I contributed to for 20 years. Don't tar everybody with the same brush.