A pension AND NOW Social Security too???
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Wow does this ever piss me off. So these fat cat fed workers get a nice pension. They have not been enrolled in SS. So they have not been paying in, right????. Now they get SS benefits??????
I've been paying into Social Stupidity all my life!!! Will I then get a pension???????.
In order to qualify for social security you must hit 10 years (40 units) of paying social security… like myself , if you leave public sector and go into a job like teaching… you stop paying SS and start getting pension… however, in order to get max pension, you need to get 37.5 years to claim 75% pension. People like me who mid career changed will never hit that. Also, because of windfall, i would have lost out on my SS that i paid into for 15 years… getting screwed in process… this will impact those like me positively, however will not impact those who never worked and paid in… if you paid in and qualify , it is only right you get whats deserved
Nice explaination. Thanks for the info.